What does NFC do on my phone?

Near Field Communication (NFC) allows the transfer of data between devices that are a few centimeters apart, typically back-to-back.

What does NFC do on my phone?

If you're not planning to use NFC, it's recommended that you turn it off to save battery life and avoid possible security risks.

for Detail Join Free Webinar of NFC

NFC charging: the tiniest solution for wireless charging Thursday, March 24th 2022

for Detail Join Free Webinar of NFC

Thursday, March 24th 2022 ► 11:30 am India | 2:00 pm Singapore | 5:00 pm Sydney

for Detail Join Free Webinar of NFC

Discover how NFC technology is paving the way to new methods of wireless charging of small, battery-operated device

for Detail Join Free Webinar of NFC

Join us for a 1-hour webinar to learn how to use NFC technology to implement wireless charging in tiny